In this essay exploring the theme of “Popular Architecture in the Rural Populations of the Portuguese Alentejo”, undertaken in the course of a PhD for the University of the Basque Country – Department of Architecture – under the direction of Professor Javier Cenicacelaya, I sought to deepen our understanding of this topic, contributing towards a better, more complete and well-reasoned conception of the typological uniqueness of so-called “popular” architecture, in its diversity of types and means of expression from one place to another, revealing a diversity that is sometimes subtle but nonetheless thought-provoking. It is furthermore the relationship or interdependency of the constructed space with empty space – a reciprocal dependency, or inseparable rapport which goes to make up a coherent, unique whole.
I have also sought to demonstrate the importance of detail in the diverse types of urban expression found in these small communities of towns and villages; as all clearly demonstrate at street level a certain coherency, in their walls, facades and chimney stacks.
The purpose of this study is to take advantage of such cultural uniqueness, this abundant wellspring, in our urbanistic and architectural designs on these villages, hillside farmsteads, towns and cities, to endow them with a fresh, yet informed approach without ideological bias while being profoundly ecological.
José Baganha
Edições 70, 2015